What Is Used To Control The Flow Of A Process?
Process command flowchart.
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Runtime encapsulation of nested procedure models supports flexible workflow direction in a distributed heterogeneous environment. Through its modular pattern, the WW-flow system provides a hierarchical command scheme over complex processes and subprocesses. Implemented in Java, the workflow engine and client interfaces are portable and platform-indep...
Context ane
... process flow can be either series or parallel. For the parallel process flows, we consider four types of dissever-concurrent, culling, exclusive, or condi- tional-each of which tin be associated with the aforementioned blazon of merge. 1 Figure 5 is a flowchart of the process control procedure, which we have grouped into v sectors. Each handles sure important functions. ...
Workflow management systems provide some of the required technical means to preserve integrity, confidentiality and availability at the control-, data- and task assignment layers of a workflow. We currently find a move abroad from predefined strict workflow enforcement approaches towards supporting exceptions which are difficult to foresee when mo...
... Five industrial companies are partners in the amePLM project, with each of these partners defining a airplane pilot example to be used in the development of an advanced platform for manufacturing engineering and product lifecycle management (amePLM, 2011). WfMS is a software system to support automatic and efficient execution of the business processes (Hollingsworth, 1995;Kim et al., 2000;WfMC, 2001). The system contains a ready of tools and interfaces that provide support for the necessary services of workflow direction, process definition, administrative and monitoring tasks, workflow client applications and other invoked applications (Georgadopoulos & Hornick, 1995;Hollingsworth, 1995). ...
... At the core of the new structure, the Business Procedure Management Organization (BPMS), comprised of integrated software, designs BP models, manages the execution of them, and facilitates process comeback [11,18]. Thus far, the BPMS has been applied to a variety of areas such as precise modeling, control, and execution of complex business concern processes [ane,23,26]. Moreover, equally more companies adopt the BPMS and every bit the number of processes managed past the system increases, the efficiency aspect of BP execution is garnering more than attending. ...
Efficient management of business concern processes is a central element of enterprise information systems for organizations operating in a competitive concern surroundings. Despite methodology introduced to raise the effectiveness of Business Procedure Management, research on the initial phase of system implementation has typically focused on the accurate execution of processes, non efficiency. The enhancement of process efficiency in various manufacturing applications, however, has received much attention over the past several decades. Unfortunately, due to the dissimilarities between business and manufacturing processes, optimized manufacturing processes cannot be applied directly to business processes. This study introduces a methodology for incorporating business process semantics and culling paths in the Concern Procedure Management structure. The approach entails mixed integer programming (MIP) formulation for a business-procedure execution programme and a meta-heuristic algorithm to obtain good solutions for multi-activity processes.
... Workflow Management Organisation (WfMS) is a software system to support automated and efficient execution of the business processes (Hollingsworth, 1995;Kim et al., 2000;WfMC, 2001). The arrangement contains a set up of tools and interfaces that provide support for the necessary services of workflow direction, process definition, administrative and monitoring tasks, workflow customer applications and other invoked applications (Georgadopoulos & Hornick, 1995;Hollingsworth, 1995). ...
Engineering workflow direction is a key focus for European manufacturing companies, nevertheless, issues such as fourth dimension required to gather data, develop systems and integrate into electric current manufacturing environments presents obstacles for adoption. This paper presents a high level prototype of an technology workflow system developed in conjunction with a medical device visitor to address this gap. The prototype data was used to construct a high level artifact which illustrates how the implementation of Advanced Platform for Manufacturing Engineering and Product Lifecycle Management (7th Programme, "amePLM") engineering workflow management system tin can ameliorate product design and evolution processes through increased productivity by capturing workflows which previously went unquantifiable.
... Traditional WFMSs oftentimes tin can simply coordinate workflows and their enacting agents (oftentimes limited to software processes) inside a unmarried organization. However, contemporary WFMSs (such as [3], [4], [15], [21], [25], [27]) can now interact with various types of distributed users and agents over the Internet. In this paper, the term workflow is used to refer to this more general notion of process management. ...
... In addition, I-Flow [12] has a Java workflow engine. WW-flow [21] provides a hierarchical control scheme over workflows implemented in Java for both the workflow engine and customer interfaces. It allows sub-workflows to be executed in unlike workflow engines across the web. ...
Workflow technology has recently been employed not only inside businesses but besides every bit a framework for implementing services over the Internet. With the advancement and spreading of various mobile technologies and infrastructures, there is increasing demand for mobile users to connect to workflow direction systems (WFMS). The basic requirement is to support SMS, WAP and spider web browsers on PDAs, in improver to regular spider web browsers on PCs. As the capabilities and bandwidth of these mobile devices are significantly junior to computers over regular Internet connections, workflows have to be adapted to adapt these limitations. Instead of redesigning or adapting workflows in an ad-hoc mode for unlike kinds of platforms, we propose a framework of workflow accommodation for mobile users based on three tiers of views: user interface views, information views and workflow views. User interface views provide alternative presentations of inputs and outputs. Data views summarize information over express bandwidth and display them in different forms. Furthermore, nosotros innovate a novel approach of applying workflow views to mobile workflow adaptation, where mobile users may execute a more curtailed version or modified procedures of a business process. The workflow view too serves as the centric mechanism for integrating user interface views and data views. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by extending a flexible web-based WFMS E-ADOME into ME-ADOME. The concepts are illustrated with a workflow of procurement approving.
... Russell, Hofstede and Mulyar (2006) studied countless applied cases involving real companies, and proposed 43 patterns which define the requirements for modelling the different scenarios defined within the control flow perspective. Many workflow definition languages, modelling tools and workflow engines take resulted from this practical arroyo similar: BPEL (Hinz, Schmidt and Stahl 2005), XPDL (Aalst 2003), ARIS (Davis 2001), Gridant (Amin, Hategan, von Laszewski, Zaluzec, Hampton and Rossi 2004) and WW-FLOW (Kim, Kang, Kim, Bae and Ju 2000). Kiepuszewski, Hofstede and Aalst (2003) betrayal the bones control flow constructs, common to almost of these approaches: AND-Split is a indicate inside the workflow where a single thread of control splits into two or more threads which are executed in parallel. ...
Business Process Reengineering is a field where state-of-the-fine art powerful tools are required to obtain valid and profitable results. In this sense, Business Procedure Simulation is becoming 1 well-known instrument to analyze and return valuable solutions, although a potential user has to face the lack of a standard modelling approach. This paper introduces the most important difficulties that arise when dealing with the applied implementation of 1 of these approaches, the Synchronizing Workflow Models; and presents an example illustrating how these bug have been solved with the Discrete Event Simulation library, SIGHOS.
... Business process modeling and business process analysis are two inter-related research areas. In the inquiry area of business concern procedure modeling, research interests ranges from process enactment, such as ECA Rules (Bae, Bae, Kang, & Kim, 2004) and collaboration with business process choreography (Jung, Hur, Kang, & Kim, 2004) to process monitoring, such as enterprise information portal (Hur, Bae, & Kang, 2003) and run-time environs (Kim, Kang, Kim, Bae, & Ju, 2000). Some leading approaches to business organization process modeling representation accept been discussed in the literature, such as the family of Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing Definition (IDEF) (Defining IDEF, 1992;Kusiak, Larson, & Wang, 1994;Usa Air Forcefulness, 1981), petri-nets approach (Van der Aalst & Van Hee, 1996), hyper-graph approach (Huang, 1997), entity human relationship modeling (Maker et al., 1992), the role activity diagrams approach (Ould, 1995), and country-driven arroyo (Lee, Kim, Kang, Kim, & Lee, 2007). ...
- C. Y. Lam
- Henry C. W. Lau
The caste of performance excellence that an enterprise tin can achieve greatly depends on the concern procedure flow that the enterprise adopts, where the more efficient and constructive the business process flow, the greater the degree of performance excellence the enterprise can accomplish. Most conventional business concern process analyses focus on qualitative methodologies, only these lack solid measurement for supporting the business process improvement. Therefore, a quantitative methodology using an action model that is described in this paper is proposed. This model involves the apply of an adjacent matrix to empirically identify inefficient and ineffective activity looping, after which the business organization procedure flow can then be improved. With the proposed quantitative methodology, a fourth dimension serial intervention ARIMA model is used to measure out the intervention effects and the asymptotic change in the simulation results of the business process reengineering that is based on the activity model analysis. The approach is illustrated past a case study of a purchasing process of a household apparatus manufacturing enterprise that involves 20 purchasing activities. The results indicate that the changes can be explicitly quantified and the effects of BPR can be measured.
... The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) defined the mechanisms for workflow management systems equally follows: to make up one's mind, initiate, and enact business tasks and processes (Kwak, Shim, and Han, 2002). Based on those defined mechanisms, various Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs) have been suggested to back up the automation of business processes in a distributed heterogeneous environs (Hayes et al., 2000; Kim et al., 2000; Dogac et al., 1998) and to provide a footing for integration and interoperability capability between different products. In those WfMSs, a workflow can be divers as " a specific representation of a process, which is designed in such a way that formal coordination mechanisms betwixt activities, applications, and process participants can be controlled by an information organization, the and then-called workflow management system (Muehlen, 2004). ...
As XML becomes a standard for communications between distributed heterogeneous machines, many schools plan to implement Spider web Services systems using the XML e-transcript (electronic transcript) standard. We propose a framework that supports both XML east-transcript Web Services and existing EDI e-transcript systems. The framework uses the workflow engine to exploit the benefits of workflow management mechanisms. The workflow engine manages the e-transcript business process past enacting and completing the tasks and sub-processes inside the principal business concern process. We implemented the proposed framework by using various open source projects including Java, Eclipse, and Apache Software Foundation's Web Services projects. Compared with traditional EDI systems, our proposed system was evaluated to have higher reusability and scalability and save developers fourth dimension and toll. It also provides users with rich look and feel user interfaces.
... A module is defined as a group of activities which are divided by split or merge points in a process catamenia. In addition, to structure the blueprint process in a hierarchical architecture, the concept of a nested process suggested by Lawrence [20] and Kim et al. [xiv] is employed. In a nested process, a complex process is broken into several sub-processes and structured in a hierarchical form. ...
The product design process is a complex gear up of integrated efforts, including generating ideas, developing concepts, modifying details, and evaluating proper solutions. The difficulties in designing complex products stem non only from their engineering science complication simply besides from the managerial complexity. First and foremost, what should be done to deal with the complication problems is to capture all the constituent design activities and identify inter-dependency among respective activities. Further, once process modeling is done, it is required to structure the blueprint process for amend understanding of the process. This study presents a new approach to structuring the design process on the basis of modular synthesis. To practice this, the concept of a module is newly proposed in the view bespeak of a process. A module is defined as a group of activities which are divided past split or merge points in a process flow. The blueprint structure matrix (DSM) is used to structure the procedure considering information technology has a lot of advantages in procedure modeling and assay. Ii algorithms are developed: the restricted topological sorting (RTS) algorithm for ordering activities and the module finding (MF) algorithm for detecting modules in a process. Both of the algorithms are based on the DSM. Structuring the process in terms of a module, which is called as process modularization, allows a process manager to manage and analyze the process effectively. The overall process and detailed procedures of the suggested arroyo are presented and an illustrative example is addressed to evidence the practical functioning of the approach.
... In lodge to resolve the defects of traditional workflow interoperation and realize more flexible workflow interoperation, this commodity describes a new workflow interoperating model, in which workflow management system uses web services as basic interoperation module [one]. Because of web services'southward standard describing, publishing, finding and integrating abilities [4], the new interoperating model is more general and flexible. The model uses a special interoperating amanuensis to dissever the interoperating logic from the internal business workflow process, which ways the internal business workflow process but focuses on the concern logic of the organization, without considering the interoperating human relationship outside. ...
- Dingsheng Wan
- Qing Li
- Guihai Chen
In order to resolve the shortcomings of traditional workflow interoperation and realize more flexible workflow interoperation, this article describes a new workflow interoperating model based on web services and interoperating agents to realize workflow interoperation. Nosotros as well developed a prototype workflow system to realize the new model. The new model is more general, flexible, and capable of crossing all kinds of platforms and can be applied to a wider range.
... Workflow is defined as "a business process that will be automatically executed by the estimator," and a workflow direction system is "a software arrangement that defines a workflow, controls the execution and sequence of the defined workflow, and manages all the processes" [20]. For the concluding decade, much inquiry work on the workflow, including [4], [5], [xiv], [xv], [16], [21], [22], [24], [25], [31], [32], have been conducted. ...
... In this research, a process definition network is restructured equally a tree form. We prefer the concept of a nested procedure model in [21]. The nested process model is originally proposed to build up a procedure model in a height-down manner. ...
... The nested model provides several advantages over conventional apartment ones, which includes the convenience in process modeling and the extensibility of process models. A more detailed discussion is plant in [21]. ...
Changes in recent business environments have created the necessity for a more efficient and effective business organization process management. The workflow management organisation is software that assists in defining business processes as well as automatically decision-making the execution of the processes. We propose a new arroyo to the automated execution of concern processes using event-condition-action (ECA) rules that tin be automatically triggered past an active database. First of all, nosotros propose the concept of blocks that can classify procedure flows into several patterns. A block is a minimal unit of measurement that can specify the behaviors represented in a process model. An algorithm is developed to detect blocks from a process definition network and transform it into a hierarchical tree model. The behaviors in each block type are modeled using ACTA formalism. This provides a theoretical basis from which ECA rules are identified. The proposed ECA rule-based approach shows that it is possible to execute the workflow using the active adequacy of database without users' intervention. The functioning of the proposed methods is illustrated through an example process.
What Is Used To Control The Flow Of A Process?,
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Process-control-flowchart_fig1_3419349
Posted by: framptontunt1941.blogspot.com
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